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The Materials Research Society of Kenya was established in 2018 and registered under the Registrar of societies with the registration number SOC/76880 and certificate number 50282. MRSK was registered by a visionary group of scientists who shared the belief that their professional interests were broader in scope than existing single-discipline societies and that a new interdisciplinary organization was needed. These were drawn from Kenya Education Network(KENET) (www.kenet.or.ke) /Industry /universities/ , National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) (www.nacosti.go.ke) converged to develop domestic new material research using wide variety of knowledge in Physics, Chemistry, Nanoscience and nanotechnology, Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Metallurgy, Nuclear Physics, Nanomedicine, Mineralogy, Computational Materials broadly classified as Material Science. This was aimed at building Kenya’s capacity to engage in as well as activation of industry-university technology exchange in materials science and engineering fields.


To promote interdisciplinary knowledge and innovation exchange through Materials Research for technology transfer and industrialization.


To be a dynamic, interactive and multidisciplinary scientific community of technical excellence for innovation ignition and technology transfer.

Core Values

In order to achieve the vision and mission, we will be guided by the following core values:

  • Partnerships and collaborations
    We shall nurture partnerships and collaborations of value to our members
  • Promoting technical excellence
    We shall foster excellence through advocating for research infrastructure in training institutions leading to Innovation.
  • Inclusive and egalitarian
    We shall promote gender, ethnic and university diversity in the recruitment of employees, capacity development and governance.
  • Research Ethics and Sustainability
    We embrace professionalism in our work and relationships and foster transparent and participative decision-making, accountability for decisions and ethical behaviour.
  • Open access
    We shall be guided by the principles of open access in the products and services we provide or promote.


The Materials Research Society Kenya is governed by a Governing Council or Office Bearers constituting of:
Chairman : Dr. Victor Odari
Vice – Chairman : Dr. Erick Njogu
Secretary : Dr. George Manyali
Treasurer : Dr. James Sifuna
Assistant secretary : Ms. Carolyne Bakasa
Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Celine Awino
Assistant Editor-in-Chief : Sr. Dr. Mary Simiyu

The Governing council may appoint committees, each committee is responsible for formulating policy and strategy issues in their specific areas for full consideration. The chairs of these committees plus the officers comprise the office bearers and selected members.

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